Jim's Song

"Where your spirit lives
Depends on the strength
Of your faith.

To believe in goodness
Is to rise above
The fear of death.

And to trust only in God
Is to fly forever
On the golden chariot
Of His love."

For Jim, by Frank Windler

Today standing among the red and golden foliage of God's creation
my brother stood beside me and I heard him say
"let me have you anger and your grief
I am at Peace on angels' wings
and you, too, can now walk your days without the weight of my loss".

I have loved you and all my brothers
and have told each of you
listen to the grass grow and there you will find peace
and perhaps a glimpse of me.

Think of me when the gentle summer breeze caresses your face
and the sweet fragrance of jasmine and lilacs fill you
with the love of the God that created each of us.

When the storms come in the dark of night
and the rain and thunder and lighted sky surround you,
think of an All Powerful God and his soft voice that whispers in the loudness

'I have given you this earth take care of it and each other'

Listen to the grass grow
and maybe you'll get a glimpse of me."