Tom Maher tried with all his heart and talents to help our Class remain as close as possible, whether we were two miles, two hundred miles or two thousand miles from CBC.
We've chosen to honor Tom's memory by establishing the "Tom Maher Scholarship Fund". Why? Because the LaSallian traditions we experienced at 6501 Clayton Road now permeate the faculty and student body of the new CBC on De La Salle Drive. "Faith, Morals, and Culture" remain alive and flourish in the hearts of the faculty and students. We've seen it, we've felt it, and we thank God that generous CBC alumni continue to offer the CBC opportunity and experience to boys who, without the opportunity, can only dream of it.
The Tom Maher Scholarship Fund is meant to offer the CBC opportunity to deserving young men. The drive is off to a great start due to the generosity of Tom's Classmates, Spouses of Classmates, Widows of Classmates, Tom's Family and donors from the CBC Community at large. The goal is to raise $30,000.00 which will endow the scholarship to a level that will begin to assist current Cadets and their families.
The result is that we have established a $15,000.00 Challenge Fund. So your donation now, or pledge, in any amount, will be matched 100%. Your monetary donation is doubled. And, personally, you then become an integral part of this new enduring Class of 1958 tradition: The Tom Maher Scholarship Fund.
"To all those who read these words, I can say this: Maybe there will be other Senior Classes with better athletes than we had, or better scholars, or better leaders, but add these three groups together and you will never arrive at any answer other than the Class of 's58 Jim Mittino, Guidon 1958
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Status of Scholarship Fund as of April, 2022
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Watercolor in Memory of Tom Maher by Frank Windler, Class of 1958