CBC Class of 1958 Anniversaries & Reunions

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Quisque congue tristique eros. Nulla facilisi. Quisque sem mauris, ullamcorper ac, gravida id, mattis id, sapien. Nullam adipiscing enim dapibus felis. Fusce a nisi in odio pulvinar fringilla. Nunc blandit interdum metus. Duis leo nunc, sollicitudin ut, fermentum congue, pharetra eu, massa. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi commodo mauris. Ut at pede. Ut id nisi. Donec scelerisque urna quis ligula. Praesent est. Vestibulum scelerisque. Curabitur quam. Fusce rhoncus pellentesque ipsum. Aenean venenatis metus ac quam. Maecenas lacus lacus, sagittis vitae, congue at, euismod eu, urna. Maecenas vitae purus. Praesent eros lectus, porta et, semper nec, molestie eget, tortor.

Pictures and Text Courtesy of Bob Steiert

The 60th Reunion of the CBC Class of 1958 was held on September 7, 2018 in the Alumni Room at the "new" CBC school in West County.

As with any reunion, Tom Maher, the planner and class champion, had to juggle all the "what-ifs" and "how abouts" that could have been involved with the reunion, but for a variety of reasons, were not selected.

Proposed, but not chosen, were a stag beer bust at Dick Smythe's home in Chesterfield, another date to coincide with a Cardinals game in St Louis, and a viewing of a CBC class of 2018 football game. All great ideas, but the final event ended up a calm event where you truly had time to chat and catch up with your classmates, was the preferred and chosen alternative.

Special mention is due to the excellent bar-b-que prepared by chief chef, Frank Pellegrini, assisted by Terry O'Brien, Jim Vogelsang and others. It is also easy to forget the camaraderie before the event tending to the many details, especially by the monthly Duffys lunch bunch.

Also, the individual interactions of the grandfatherly attendees, like the carpooling by Hach, Reinhart and Steiert, made it a fun time. Speeches were kept to a minimum, money was a non-topic, but brotherhood took the spotlight, especially in an original video, and organizing for a group photo seemed like herding cats. If you wanted to catch up with the news of guys you spent 4 years with in your teens, this was the place to be!

Starting in Back (Left to Rt):
Joe Galkowski, John May, Pete Zimmerman, Art Repovich, Gary Hach, Pete Kenny. Dick Smythe, Jim Mittino, Den Hobart, Marty Hadican, John Rabbit (hidden),Tim Dolan, Bob Steiert, Jeff Weiner Tony Tuminello, Bill Bertke, Terry O'Brien, Tom Maher, Rich Schwan, Frank Windler, Ray Phelps,
Hank Deeken, Jack Buechner, Jim Vogelsang, John Layton, Dick Doyle, Den Reinhart, Tim O'Brien, Otto Etzel, and Frank Pellegrini
  • Starting in Back (Left to Rt):
    Joe Galkowski, John May, Pete Zimmerman, Art Repovich, Gary Hach, Pete Kenny. Dick Smythe, Jim Mittino, Den Hobart, Marty Hadican, John Rabbit (hidden),Tim Dolan, Bob Steiert, Jeff Weiner Tony Tuminello, Bill Bertke, Terry O'Brien, Tom Maher, Rich Schwan, Frank Windler, Ray Phelps,
    Hank Deeken, Jack Buechner, Jim Vogelsang, John Layton, Dick Doyle, Den Reinhart, Tim O'Brien, Otto Etzel, and Frank Pellegrini
  • Bill Bertke, Frank Pellegrini and Otto Etzel
  • Joe Galkowski and Rich Schwan
  • Gary Hach and Dick Doyle
  • Hank Deeken and Jeff Weiner
  • John May and the Terrible O'Brien Twins (Terry and Tim)
  • Dick Smythe and Frank Pellegrini
  • Gary Hach and Art Repovich
  • Tom Maher and Bill Bertke
  • Jeff Weiner and Tim Dolan
  • John Layton and Ray Phelps
  • Tom Maher, Rich Schwan and John May
  • Dick Doyle and Jack Buechner
  • Joe Galkowski and Otto Etzel
  • John May, Pete Kenney,T. O'Brien and Frank Pellegrin
  • Art Repovich and Pete Kenny
  • Denny Hobart, John Layton and Pete Zimmerman
  • Bill Bertke, Tony Tumminello, John Layton and Jim Mittino
  • John May, Frank Pellegrini, John Rabbit, Dick Doyle and Terry O'Brien
  • Art Repovich, Pete Kenny and Bob Steiert
  • Gary Hach, Bob Steiert and Rich Schwan
  • John May and Jack Buechner

Older Anniversaries / Reunions

1983 Reunion 25
1983 Reunion 25
  • (L-R, from back to front:) Tim O'Brien, Mittino, Kenny, Muth, Maher, Hughes, Phelps, Deeken, Goessling, May, Buechner, Tumminello, Nahlik, Schwan, Dolan, Kaiser, Windler, Rabbitt, Hobart, Zimmerman, Wiener, Terry O'Brien, Hach, Moore, Vogelsang, Etzel and Reinhart