The CBC Class of 1958 has maintained a tradition of meeting for a monthly lunch at 11:30am on the second Tuesday of each month. Our current venue is Mike Duffy's Pub & Grill, 124 W Jefferson Ave #104, Kirkwood.

January, 2023

Our first Lunch of the New Year 2023 was more somber than usual, due to the passing of Denis Reinhart. We had a small but enthusiastic group of Brothers in attendance: Tim Dolan, Dick Doyle, Otto Etzel, John May, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich. Jeff Wiener and Pete Zimmerman.

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    Deacon Tim opens our first Lunch of 2023 with a prayer.
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    John May is wearing his stained-glass patterend sweater to harmonize with Deacon Tim.
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    Otto holds his usual place, absent dear Denis Reinhart.
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    Pete is looking well indeed, with a smiling Jeff at his side!
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    Tony and art, both handsomely jacketed.
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    Front row, L-r: Pete, Otto, Terry O'Brien and Tony.

    Back row: Tim, Art, John May, Charlie, Jeff and Frank.
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    And, to begin the New Year aright, we end with Terry and Val!

February 14, 2023

Our Valentine's Lunch was filled with surprises and touches of kindness! In attendance were: Tim Dolan, Otto Etzel, John Layton, John May, Charlie Monfort, Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich, Tony Tumminello, Jeff Wiener and a surpprise guest, Carla Reinhart, widow of our beloved Denis. While Terry O'Brien was emulating a lizard basking in the Florida sunshine, Art Repovich stepped up and demonstrated his keen and tasteful eye as Class Photographer for the occasion.


March 14, 2023

In advance of St. Patrick's Day, we had a good showing of claasmates: Tim Dolan, Dick Doyle, John Layton, John May,Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich, Tony Tumminello, Jim Vogelsang, and Jeff Wiener, with Carla Reinhart as a special Guest.

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    Deacon Tim Dolan patiently waits for the assembled throng to quiet down to a dull roar.
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    With a tip of his Scally Cap, he acknowledges the relative calm and prepares to offer an Opening Prayer.
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    Tim welcomes John May. Note that Tim is earing a green Irish scally cap and shirt, whle John is wearing a green sweater and green shirt. After all, 'tis the day for the wesaring of the Green (in an establishment named Duffy's!)
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    John confronts Frank and asks why he isn't wearing green, to which Frank replies "We were taught on the Hill that only Dogtown guys do that!" "
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    "However, in an ecumenical spirit, I did wear my Irish cap today!"
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    As if to disprove this, who should arrive but Dick Doyle and Jeff Wiener, both garbed in purle CBCHS58 windshirts/.
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    Tony joins Tim and Charlie. Tony, always a reasonable man, proposes that a small lottery take place: Frank will roll a pair of dice, and the "winner", among the guys not in green will get to pay the bill for everybody's Lunch!
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    Doyle, Layton and May think this might be an interesting proposition.
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    John appears quite pleased that an equtable compromise has been achieved.
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    Frank, Art and Jeff are quite cheerful—Frank in particular, because hs happens to have brought a set of his "Special" dice.
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    Tim welcomes a very special guest—Carla Reinhart, Denny's widow.
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    Tony joins Tm and Carla.
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    John Layton graciously squires Carla around, pointing out Frank's Irish cap.
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    Frank is preparing to cast his dice to determine the "winneer" of the Lunch bil.
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    And guess who "won"? Charlie Monfort, who is preparing to square the tab.
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    But Tim steps up an proposes that it was all in fun, and everybody should just settle their own tab, to which everybody readily agreed.
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    For a special surprise, Val brought a container of St. Patrick's Day cookies to share with the Class as a dessert!
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    A good shot of Jim Vogelsang, resplendent in his CLass Letter Jacket, with Art and Frank.
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    Tim, Charlie, Jim, Art and Frank.
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    Terry covets that jacket, so he asks Jim to let him try it on for a bit.
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    Terry can't resist posing in his borrowed jacket with Val.
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    And, of course, in his magnificent Irish green sweater in a final shot with Val.
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    Front row: Jim Vogelsang, Frank, Art, Dick Doyle
    Back row: Tim Dolan, John Layton, Tony, Jeff, Charlie and Terry O'Brien.

April 11, 2023, 2023

A small but mighty band of brothers gathered at CBCHS for lunch with the cadets. Our Class was singled out as an exceptional benchmark for other Almumni to match! Present and accounted for: Otto Etzel, John May, Charlie Monfort, Terry O&*#039;Brien Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich and Ji Vogelsang .

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    The 5—Etzel, May, Monfort,Repovich and (a rare sightng indeed!) Terry O'Brien
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    And the Three—Pellegrini, Kevin Quinlan (Alumni Rep), and Vogelsang
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    A distance shot of the group.
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    Frank and Kevin deep in discussion
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    As are Charlie and Art
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    Group shot (Terry is takking th picture): Monfort, Pellegrini, Michael Jordan, May, Etzel, Repovich and Vogelsang
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    Our annual Hawaiian Shirt Day was moced from June to May to allow a proper celebration of our 65th Anniversary as a CBCSH Class in the near future.
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    Deacon Tim welcomes Dick Doyle, who appears astonished at Tim's vestment for the day.
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    Jeff Wiener, resplendent in a lei atop his very tasteful shirt, greets Dick Doyle, whose eyes have apparently adjusted to the glare.
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    Deacon Tim Dolan opens the Gathering with a prayer, invoking St. Lucy patroness of the eyes, that all present may survive without being blinded by the more-or-less striking patterns of the Hawaiian Shirts worn.
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    Charlie Monfort sensibly wore a cooler shirt. (His specialty is cryogenics) to offset Tim's hotter pattern.
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    Jim Vogelsang welcomes Ottto Etzel.
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    Otto is elegant in an understated green Hawaiian shirt, while Dick finds rest for his eyes next to him.
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    John Layton prepares to order, while Jeff launches into an heroic rendition of the CBC Fight Song in lieu of grace before lunch.
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    Otto and Dick studiously peruse the menu, while Jim V. gets a hearty laugh at Jeff's serenade.
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    Charlie is explaining to Tim Bro. L. Charles'' famous demonstration of how "the warm air goes up, while the cool air comes down"; John May appears perfectly bored by these physics.
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    Our server, Val, was exceptionally busy due to short-staffing, so this is the only picture of her at this Lunch.
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    Front Row: Otto, Tim, Dick, Terry
    Back Row: Jeff, John May and Charlie (John Layton had to leave early.)
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    Jeff, Jim, John May and Otto pose for a friendly picture before leaving.

June 13, 2023

An unusual, but fun Lunch with a strong showing by StL Class members: our regular private room was unavailable, so the Lunch was set in the main dining area using much smaller tables. Present and accounted for were: Doyle, Etzel, Layton, May, Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Pellegrini, Repovich, Vogelsang, Wiener, and Zimmerman.

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    When first gathered, note the tables are separated; Left side, front to back: Vogelsang, Repovich, Pellegrini; Right side: May, Monfort, and Etzel.
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    Things are picking up: note the tables are squeezed together in an approximation of our usual setup. Pete Zimmerman has joined the group, next to Otto.
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    Doyle and May complete the lineup on their side.
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    John Layton, respllendent in his tropical shirt, gets set to join the group.
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    Jeff Wiener has added himself to the wall side.
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    A better perspective looking down the length of the tables.
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    Same shot, head-on.
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    Doyle and Layton engaged in a lively discussion.
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    Best approximation of a group shot: Left side, fron to back=Tumminello, Zimmerman, Etzel, Monfort, Doyle; Right side=Layton, Wiener, Pellegrini, Repovich and Vogelsang.
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    Last, but by no means least, teh traditional closing shot of Terry O'Brien and Val!

July 11, 2023

A happy gathering on July11 of our StL Class members, 65 years after our Graduation! Present and accounted for were: Dolan, Doyle, Etzel, Layton, May, Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Repovich, Tuminello, Vogelsang, Wiener, and Zimmerman.

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    Deacon Tim—so welcome to see again!— opens our gathering with a prayer.
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    Charlie Monfort and Deacon Tim, also glad to join the gathering.
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    Jeff Wiener and John May, looking chipper.
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    Art and Otto, great as ever!
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    John May and Jim Vogelsang�what happened? Did Karen finally wring Jim's neck?
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    Pete Zimmerman and Jeff Wiener, glad to be here as well!
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    Art and a rare shot of Terry, who is usually behind the camera!
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    Lunch is served! Jeff looks thoughtful, but Pete senses maybe something is not quite right with his dish!
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    Dick Doyle and Art enjoying lunch.
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    Tim dutifully tucks in, but Charlie finds his pizza missing....something?
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    Otto, too, looks a little quizzical, but Jim voices his observation that something seems to be missing from his dish.
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    John Layton, ever an individualist, demonstrates his knowledge of the market with a contrarian embrace of Bud Light.
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    Tony and John May realize what's going on and John Layton, who ordered something different is amused but unconcerned. The chef apparently omitted Velveeta from the Italian dishes, so everything tasted a little different—but still good!
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    Fron row, L-R: Pete, Charlie and Otto
    Rear: Jeff, John May, John Layton, Tony, Jim, Art, Tim and Terry (Dick Doyle had leave earlier)
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    It wouldn't be a Class of 1958 Lunch without a closing pic of Terry and Val.

August 8, 2023Lunch at Duffy*#039;s

We gathered for a delicious lunch to put the final touches on our forthcoming 65th Reunion in September. Present and accounted for were: Dolan, Doyle, Etzel, Layton, May, Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Pellegrini, Tuminello and Wiener. A great time was had by all!

September 12, 2023

The first of two successive 65th Anniversary Celebrations was held as our regular Lunch Tuesday, September 12, 2023 at Duffy's—click here to view the Lunch slideshow. (The second was a Dinner Celebration with Wives held at Bartolino's in the Drury Inn Forest Park the evening of Wednesday, September 13. You can view a slideshow of the Dinner by clicking here.)

Our October 10 Lunch at Duffy's

10 good men (in Jewish tradition constitute a Minyan, the minimum number needed for a liturgy) gathered for our Class Lunch at Duffy's on Tuesday, Oct. 10, 2023. Present and accounted for were: Doyle, Etzel, Layton, May, Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Pellegrini, Tuminello Wiener, and Zimmerman.

Our November 14, 2023 Lunch at Duffy's

>A strong dozen brothers gathered at Duffy's Nov. 14 to celebrate and remember our Class: Bill Bertke, Tim Dolan, Otto Etzel, John Layton, John May, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich, Tony Tumminello, Jeff Wiener and Jim Vogelsang were in attendance.

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    John May brought some old photos taken on Alton Lake with Tom Maher, Charlie Nahlik, et al. on John's boat, "Happy Days", to share with the Lunch attendees.
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    Charlie Monfort shares a classic shot of the unholy trinity long ago.
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    John shares another one with Jeff.
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    Otto, Jim and Art
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    Deacon Tim with Jim Vogelsang.
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    Deacon Tim Dolan with Charlie Monfrot.
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    John Layton welcomes Bill Bertke to the celebration.
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    Deacon Tim begins the Lunch with a prayer.
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    Tim begins to read the nsames of our departed brothers, whom we remember in a special way this day, and then John May continues the list.
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    John May continues reading the names of the Departed whom we remember today.
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    Jeff Wiener concludes the reading of the names of the departed.
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    Now the brothers expectantly wait for the food to arrive!
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    Charlie advises Frank that good things are worth the wait!
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    Frank's retort must have been a good one, to judge from the expressions of the faces of Jeff and John.
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    John Layton and Bill Bertke seem to agree.
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    Tony and Jim concur, whilst Otto has already begun to say his grace.
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    art is a veteran of these things, and is calling out for Door Dash to bring him something right now!
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    John Layton has caught sight of the meals coming out of the kitchen.
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    After a great meal, the Class poses for the traditional group picture.
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    Val gets a pose by herself this time.
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    And everyone bids their farewells, as another good gathering concludes!