We Are the Class of 1958! by Jim Mittino

"Yes, we were bewildered when we entered CBC for the first time."

It was September 7, 1954. Between that first day of school, and May 31, 1958 when we proudly walked across the stage at Kiel Auditorium and received our high school diplomas, we went from short pants to dress whites. The CBC Class of 1958 set out to write its own story, just as the many classes before us wrote theirs. Each of us is still writing our personalized unique page. And we realize that it takes many important people in our lives to complete our homework assignment.

CBC, the gift our parents unselfishly gave us, was one of the most influential periods of our lives. How fortunate we were to attend CBC where each student was consistently encouraged to become a better boy, a better man, a better Christian. We were inspired to excellence thanks to the challenges of mentors like Coach Klemm, Brother Anselm ("Big A" and "Little A") Brother Charles, Mr. Tines, Brother Daniel, Coach Horgan, Coach D.C. Wilcutt and Brother Aloysius. And those were just a fraction of the talented faculty we will always benefit from.

As Coach Wilcutt said to the entire student body in the old gym during our kick-off pep rally for the 1957-58 varsity basketball season: "Then was then, and now is now." He was referring to the 1956–57 basketball team winning the Missouri State championship. His message was clear. This year it's up to a different team.

The men of the Class of '58 are also a different team than the classes before and after us.

Being proud to be "Brothers Boys" back in 1958 has meant more and more to us as we've grown. Still learning, living and cherishing the families and friends God has blessed us with, and grateful for being an essential part of CBC's traditions and continued search for excellence—we are proud and loving "Brothers For Life".