Who We Are by Ken Perry
The camaraderie, feelings and emotions that CBC '58 has brought to many of us was grown from the contacts and reconnects that were developed over seven decades ago. It can be likened to the decades-long friendship layering.
Try to imagine for a minute what digital Wi-Fi looks like.
The symbol commonly used to represent it shows a process that starts with a large dot which is surrounded with a series of arcs.
These first Arcs are small but each layered arc becomes larger and larger.
In Internet/Digital terminology they represent the measure of signal power (how much content can be achieved and speed in reception).
The following thoughts have been in my head for some time and may be what other Bros. have conceived in their own relations. The CBC Class of '58 has evolved into a wonderful interconnection that has benefit to us all.
The example made here is from my eyes, but it is not about me. This is about all of us and how we have become an entity known as CBC '58. These are my visions of a 70 year cycle of contact and friendships. So long ago! . . . .
- The PERIOD—Back in Sept.1950, I started 5th grade and befriended Pellegrini, Mittino and Musial.( Hoffman joined in 6th grade ). We all decided to go to CBC. Whole new friendships began to form with Football, Camera Club, Grenadiers,etc. opening our eyes to a world of different personalities.
- First ARC—it wasn't long before an arc formed that included Schwan, Kaiser, Krater, Repovich and others. (Don't feel slighted if names are missing—Space limit).
- Second ARC—By senior year more layers of relationships evolved -Steiert, Hack, Wilhawk, Otten ,Maher and others. (Again ,apology)
- Third ARC—We were off to colleges ND, Rockhurst, St. Louis U , etc. There was some temporary disconnect but then another ARC—Kuchar, Brown, Tuminello, Boll at SLU ( Boll was president of my frat).
- Fourth ARC—In 1962-63 there were a stream of marriages. Many of our original Southside gang had Krater as best man (didn't want to slight one another). Soon babies came along and Godfather/Godmother making further ties. Soon we were working (with a number at McDonnell / Boeing Aircraft). Some playing Sat. football and having cook outs.
- Several ARCs grew from '58 class reunions, CBC sports events and things like Musial's Florida "Spring Flings". Tom Maher starting in his blogging after he got the email addresses of about 90 CBC '58. The Monthly Lunches (and photos) along with general news brought many X -Pats into an ARC by itself. There were times when email threads got so long, I had to quit.
- Now we have CBC '58 Wi-Fi that must be at the 5 GB power level. We have moved to maximum signal strength with Mittino taking the reins after Tom Maher passing, Geri Furi developing a great Web site and the current Zoom meetings. Our connection and the reconnects are one of the greatest benefits of being a Brothers' Boy.
In looking at the In Memoriam (We Pray & Remember) section of our CBC 1958 Web Page, I was taken aback when thinking about the 60+ Bros. who are no longer with us.
There are so many classmates who in yesteryears were in one or another earthly Arc, who now are passed to a Spiritual Arc. Although no longer with us they are listed and remembered in our Web references. What a tribute to those who passed over many decades past and up to the here and now. Names like McKee, Goedeke, Hoffman, Maher, Buechner, Geraghty to name just a few with many more making up an expansive Arc.
It seems that these guys would make a larger, more Spiritual Arc that is archived in the "CBC 1958.org" Web Page and our memories.
Departed they are, , . but not forgotten. Brothers for Life and Remembered.
Ken, 58131
"Nothing develops from isolation"—David McCullough