Jim Mittino (Sept. 30, 2021)
You can download a browsable copy of the Program Booklet here.
To watch Jim's acceptance speech, click here.
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Progran Booklet: Cover
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Program Bookleet: Order of Induction Ceremony
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Program Booklet: Jim's Biographical Information—Page 1
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Program Booklet: Jim's Biographical Information—Page 2
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Jim Mittino, , Jim’s niece Lisa Boenzle and husband Lee.
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Jim with Brother Paul
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Also at Table Number Three: Jim Vogelsang—(HOF 2018)— with Niall and Gretchen Gannon. Niall class of 1986 was also inducted into the Hall of Fame that night. Three Hall of Famers at one Table!
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Michael Jordan welcomes everyone, beginning the Induction Ceremony proper.
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And now, Jim's turn! Jim gave a very amazing and moving acceptance speech.
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During Michael Jordan’s closing remarks he pointed to Table #3, our table, and said the Brotherhood that remains our entire lives after leaving CBC is best witnessed by the Class of ’58.
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Our Jim! Congratulations so a most deserving and honored guy!
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First group of inuctees (close-up)
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Second half of inuctee group
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The CBCHS Hall of Fame inductees for 2021!
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Jim with Bob Falls, Class of 1960
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Jim, Lisa, Lee and Terry O'Brien
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The Big 4!
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And, just for old times' sake. . .
Jim Vogelsang (2018 Inductee)
- Jim is married to his lovely bride Karen Quigley, and has three children: Patty, Chris and Carolyn. They have two grandchildren, Nathan and Brendan.
- CBC 1958; SLUE 1964—History; Webster University 1970—MAT
- 1964–1971: Cleveland High School Teaching World History, US History, Civis and Geography. Coaching B Basketbakl and Swimming.
- 1971: DevelopedWorld History curriculum for St. Louis Public Schools.
- 1972–1981: Metro High School. Teaching World History and US History, St. Louis History and Urban Studies.
- 1981–1989: Student Leadership Experimental Program using outdoor education working with city and county school districts. Working with students and teachers from 4th grade through high school.
- 1990–1991: Beaumont High School. Teaching Western Civilization and World History.
- 1993–1994: Fulbright teacher in Huddersfield, England, teaching Geography and Roman History.
- 1993–1994: Bayan High School in Isa Town, Bahrain, teaching Islamic History, World History and Geography.
CBC Career:
Jim enjoyed intramural activities, the Friday night football games, and the big win over SLUH in the Public School Stadium. He liked the military parades at the end of the week, and the sense of humor of his teachers.
Favorite Teachers:
Brother Joel Adrian for his kindness; Brother Hilary Anselm for his attention to detail; Brother Aloysius Dolan for the common sense he taught me, and Mr. D. C. Wilcutt who I worked for in the A. D. Office.
Favorite Activities after Retirement:
Woodworking, the '58 Lunch Bunch, 13 years of Senior Softball, 7 years of Senior Olympics, traveling with my wife to over 25 countries, volunteering for 34 years at Camp Happy Day doing outdoor activities with special needs children, and working with the CBC Christmas Auction.
In His Own Words:
I have a strong belief in the Lasallian Mission. The education received from many different backgrounds prepares the boys for their future life. I always enjoy coming out to CBC and watching the students and their activites. I still follow CBC sports, and go to football and basketball games. I continue to appreciate the encouragement I receive from Michael Jordan, Joe Gunn, Linda Noll and Sue Shostrand. The virtues of loyalty, honor and integrity were ingrained in me at CBC. I continue to observe the Christian caring by the faculty and students. I am honored to stand with the Brothers Boys in the Hall of Fame.
Tom Maher (2016 Inductee)
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Tom and Jim Vogelsang
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Tom with Charlie Nahlik
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Tom, Jim Vogelsang, Jim Mittino, and Tom's sister, Maureen Maher Ford
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Tom with Bev and Jeff Wiener
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Tom, Jeff and Terry O'Brien
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Tom and his Bukky Pulpit
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Maureen, Tom and Tom's daughteer, Mollie

Each year, CBC Graduates elect outstanding almuni to the CBC Hallf of Fame. All nominess must meet the following criteria:
- Must have graduated from CBC High School.
- Must be nominated in the same year as elected.
- Must be nominated by a person who is eligible to make nominations. (Alumnus, Faculty, Administration of CBC High School)
- Must have graduated at least 10 years prior to election.
- Must have excelled in academics, athletics, or other activities while attending CBC High School OR distinguished himself in his chosen career.
- Must have demonstrated loyalty and service to CBC High School over a number of years after graduation.
The following members of the Class of 1958 (in addition to Tom Maher, Jim Mittino and Jim Vogelsang) have been inducted into the Hall of Fame:
- Bro. Tom Geraghty fsc
- Ollie Goedeke
- John Layton
- Fran Martin
- Dick Musial
- Frank Pellegrini
- Ken Perry
- Richard Smythe