The Lunch Bunch—Florida Lunches

In addition to our Spring Fling tradition, from time to time classmates who live in Florida (plus the occasional Snowbird) meet for lunch. If you are coming to Florida apart from a Spring Fling gathering, by all means contact one of our Florida Cadets to meet, greet and eat together!

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    This is a selfie (Bob Steiert and Ken Perry) from the second annual South Florida CBC Class of 1958 Annual Lunch, 2020

    As you can see the group is small but mighty. Actually, Ken Perry and I spent hours chatting over lunch, about this and that—just like we did last year. It is a fun-filled break from the routine of lounging in the sun while the rest of the US is shivering and shoveling snow.

    The lunch was held in Ft Myers, FL about halfway between Sarasota and Naples, FL so we both shared the driving chores.
    All are welcome to join us when (if) we hold this event next year. Watch this space for details as plans solidify!
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    Ken Perry and Dick Musial, March 201 on the JumboTron
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    Mike and Mimi Brown with Sharon Musial, March, 2018
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    Ada and Ken Perry, 2014