The Lunch Bunch—July 13, 2021 at Duffy's
The CBC Class of 1958 gathered at Duffy's for our July 13 Lunch, below, (as agreed, the expats' Zoom will be held July 27 and posted in a seperate tab on this page, as well as with the July 13 Lunch at Duffy's on our 2021 Lunches page as images become available.). Thankfully this year viewers will not need polarized glasses: allthough it was the Annual Hawaiian Shirt Day, everyone present obsereved a modest degree of style and avoided any eye-watering combos which posed problems in years past!
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Deacon Tim opens the gathering with his usual inspiring style.
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Deacon welcomes Charlie Monfort to the gathering.
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And Jeff Wiener demonstrates his impeccable sense of style in a (for him) restrained pattern this year.
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The two Jims, inseparable as ever.
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Jeff and John May; John is a little apprehensive, fearing that his vehicle may be targeted by the Parking Enforcement Polizei.
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And three J's: John May, John Layton and Jim Vogelsang—looking like the Three Caballeros!
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The Lineup
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The Threes Caballeros getting set to order
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Layton, Vogelsang and Mittino look a bit perplexed— such sartorial splendor is difficult to absorb at one sitting.
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A pretty face inspires smiles from Charlie and the deacon
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Layton, inspired perhaps by a burst of school pride, attempts to lead the group in the CBC Fight Song, whilst Vogelsang accompanies his efforts with drumbeats on the table.
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The Motley Krew: Front Row L-R=Layton, Vogelsang and Mittino; Back Row=Wiener, May, Dolan, Valerie, Terry O'Brien and Monfort
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Jim presents Terry with an elegant and moving gift (see next picture) in appreciation for all Terry has done photographing our Lunches,
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The customary Terry and Valerie photo-op
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Valerie displays a ring of 2$ bills from the Class tips given by Terry
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Now we see what John May was so anxious about. . . .
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Eat your hearts out, Cadets!
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John's 1981 Corvette!
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But Valerie has a 'Vette, too!
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The "Nature's God" Plaque