The Lunch Bunch —August 10th Lunch at Duffy's
The CBC Class of 1958 gathered at Duffy's Tuesday, August 10th for Lunch. Present and accounted for were: Larry Dahl, Dick Doyle, Otto Etzel, John May, Jim Mittino, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Rich Muth, John Layton, Denny Reinhart, Art Repovich, Tony Tumminello, Jim Vogelsang, Jeff Wiener, Frank Windler, and Pete Zimmerman.
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Jimm Mittino, Art Repovich and Charlie Monfort
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Otto Etzel and Jim Mittino
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At our age, we proudly are members of the "Cane People" (lest we all fall down and go Boom!)
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Charlie, Frank Windler (all the way from GA!) and Jim Vogelsang (in an eye-popping shirt!)
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Art and Pete Zimmerman—so glad to see Pete at Duffy's again!
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Denny Reinhart and his formidable walking-stick!
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Denny and Frank
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Tony Tumminello and Dick Doyle
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Tony and Dick DO\oyle welcome John Layton
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Tony, Pete Zimmerman and Jim Vogelsang
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Jim Mittino with Larry Dahl
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And, again, at table together
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John May and Rich Muth
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Front Row: Denny Reinhart, John May, Rich Muth, John Layton, Tony Tumminello, and Dick Doyle
Back Row: Terry O'Brien, Otto Etzel, Jeff Wiener, Frank Windler, Charlie Monfort, Jim Vogelsang, Art Repovich, Pete Zimmeran, Jim Mittino and Larry Dahl. - TerryVal.jpeg
Terry and Valerie
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CBCHS Class of 1959, who were also lunching at Duffy's