The Lunch Bunch —September 14th Lunch at Duffy's

The CBC Class of 1958 gathered at Duffy's Tuesday, September 14th for Lunch. Present and accounted for were: Deacon Tim Dolan, Otto Etzel, John Layton, John May, Jim Mittino, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien,, Frank Pellegrini, Denny Reinhart, Art Repovich, Dick Smythe, Tony Tumminello, Jim Vogelsang, Jeff Wiener, and Pete Zimmerman.

  • T_Shirt_Design.gif
    Jim Vogelsang conceived the theme for our September Lunch, in which attendees would be judged on the best T-shirt design.
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    Unfortunately, some Cadets misinterpreted the idea, based on much earlier experiences, expecting something considerably different. Hence some came wearing ordinary T-shirts.
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    Deacon Tim Dolan opens the Lunch with a prayer for wisdom to judge and patience for those who lack wisdom.
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    Our Deacon in his T!
  • John_May_YFront.jpeg
    A quite modest effort on the part of John May (until he turns around).
  • John_MayT.jpeg
    And now we know!
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    Our fearless leader, Jim Mittino, topically timely as ever.
  • CharlieT.jpeg
    Charlie Monfort sums up something we were all thinking.
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    Terry O'Brien reminds of what is really important!
  • JimV_T.jpeg
    Jim Vogelsang hearkens back to a beloved time.
  • JimV_Denny.jpeg
    Denny reminds us of one of Brother Michael's favorite sayings!
  • Jeff_T.jpeg
    Jeff Wiener demonstrates remarkable courage in his choice of T-shirt theme.
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    Pete Zimmerman's offering echoes one of Brother L. Charles' favorite sayings.
  • Art_Mittino.jpeg
    Art Repovich and Jim Mittino are straightening out what the theme of the Lunch actually is.
  • Joh_Layton.jpeg
    John Layton, magnificent in mauve.
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    The Consigliere has arrived; he will lend his expertise to assist Jim V. in the judging.
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    Dick Symthe— so good to see him again in our midst, even as he warns Jeff of the rashness of such a message.
  • OttO_JimV.jpeg
    Otto asks Jim whether the Polo logo might qualify him for the contest?
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    John is amused by Otto's wishful thinking.
  • Valereie_Cookies.jpeg
    Our super server, Valerie, has brought the guys cookies!
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    Distributing cookies—what a treat!
  • Charlie_Deacon.jpeg
    Charlie and Deacon Tim appear most grateful, hoping that there will be enough for at least 2 cookies each.
  • JimV_Pellegrini.jpeg
    Frank is explaining his ideas for the contest, whilst Jim looks mildly skeptical.
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    Denny, apparently disagreeing with Frank's ideas, reaches for his Shillelagh to assist with reasoning.
  • Pellegrini_Smythe_Argue.jpeg
    Frank is beginning to realize that judging is a thankless task, as Dick forcefully reiterates his point of view.
  • Consigliere_JimV_U.jpeg
    Frank delivers his considered opinion to Jim, who will make the final decision.
  • Pellegrini_Jeff_Corner.jpeg
    But now the entire side of the table wants to get involved.
  • Tony_Otto_May.jpeg
    The unholy Trinity of Room 402 (Tony, Otto and John May) find this vastly amusing.
  • Tony_Layton.jpeg
    Tony and John Layton look taken a bit aback as. . .
  • Denny_JimV_Prize1.jpeg
    Jim hands Denny the Prize!
  • CuttingBoard.jpeg
    Jim has made with his own hands a beautiful cutting board, but Denny seems to think Jim is under the impression that he (Denny) might have taken up the vocation of a Mohel in his retirement years!
  • 2Classes.jpeg
    The Class of 1958 and the Class of 1961 are both holding Lunches at Denny's this month.
  • 1961.jpeg
    The Class of 1961.
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    Front row, L-right: Snythe, Zimmerman, Wiener, Layton, Dolan and Etzel.
    Back row: Pellegrini, Reinhart, Vogelsang, Repovich, May, Mittino, Tuminello and Terry O'Brien.