2022 Lunches and Zoom Meetings
The CBC Class of 1958 has maintained a tradition of meeting for a monthly lunch at 11:30am on the second Tuesday of each month. Our current venue is Mike Duffy's Pub & Grill, 124 W Jefferson Ave #104, Kirkwood. While Pandemic restrictions prevail, we meet via Zoom instead.
January, 2022

The Lunch Bunch —February, 2022
Our first Lunch Bunch of 2022 gathered at Duffy's on February 8. Present and accounted for were: Tim Dolan, Dick Doyle, Otto Etzel, Jim Mittino, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Denny Reinhart, Art Repovich and Jim Vogelsang.
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Dick Doyle arrives and is greeted by our fearless Leader, Jim Mittino
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Next to arrive are Otto and Denny—soon to be a trio. . . .
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Sure enough, Jim ambles over to make it a threesome—maybe we can persuade them to do a soft-shoe shuffle and cane-twirl routine to enliven the afternoon?
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OMG! It's the Letter Man himself, Jim Vogelsang, with his perfectly-fitting , mint-condition Jr. Varsity Letter Jacket. There's a story behind this jacket. though. It was donated to the annual auction by a member of the Class 2008. Rather than auction it off they gave it to Jim thanking him for all the work he does for the auction. Jim also donates many items that he makes in his wood shop. Jim took the 0 off 08 on the left sleeve and put on a 5 making 58. The letters JV for junior varsity now represent his initials.
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Not to be outdone, Terry, too, appears wearing a CBC Letter Jacket. Wait—that looks a lot like the same one Jim was just wearing. We all envy these guys: how many of us could comfortably wear our dress whites today?
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Jim and Tim welcome Art Repovich to the Krew,
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And Art lights up the room with his trademark smile!
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Not to be outdone, Denny gives us a vintage tough-guy look.
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Jim and Charlie join the beam-fest.
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Otto, smiling, says to Denny, "See what you began here?"
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Dick Doyle and Kevin Quinlisk, the CBCHS Alumni Rep, tuck in to their repast.
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Art proudly poses with his Velveeta-topped Burger, while Jim sensibly warms up with a good bowl of Chili.
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Charlie digs into a healthy salad, whilst Deacon Tim indulges in a dissolute Pizza.
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Mittino, emulating his idol, Dean Martin, clarifies that *he* is not eating Chili, but rather a bowl of PASTA FAGIOLE!
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Jim Vogelsang shows the wonderful hand-made stands he will be offering as door prizes at our next Lunch on March 8. Be there!
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Front Row, L to R: Reinhart, Etzel, Doyle, Mittino
Back Row: Repovich, Vogelsang, Dolan, Monfort and O'Brien
The Lunch Bunch—March, 2022
We gathered at Duffy's Tuesday, March 8, 2022 for Lunch. Present and accounted for were: Larry Dahl, Deacon Tim Dolan, Dick Doyle, John May, Jim Mittino, Charlie Monfort, Dick Muth, Terry O'Brien, Frank Pellegrini, Kevin Quinlan, Art Repovich, Jim Vogelsang, and Jeff Wiener. A highlight was the drawing for the four beautiful, hand-crafted device stands made by Jim Vogelsang for attendees, and additional stands for our ex-pats who sent in their names.
The Lunch Bunch—April, 2022
We gathered at Duffy's Tuesday, April 12, 2022 for Lunch. Present and accounted for were: Deacon Tim Dolan, Dick Doyle, Otto Etzel, Joe Gunn, John Layton, John May, Jim Mittino, Charlie Monfort, Dick Muth, Terry O'Brien, Kevin Quinlan, Denny Reinhart, Art Repovich, Tony Tumminello, Jim Vogelsang, Jeff Wiener, and Pete Zimmerman.
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Art and Denny, both appearing in fine fettle.
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Denny is joined by Otto, who is smiling because he knows what is coming.
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Sure enough, Otto is joined by Mittino: two proud members of the "Cane People" brigade.
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Pete Zimmerman has arrived, with Jeff Wiener—both a sight for sore eyes!
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The two Jims are joined by Joe Gunn, newly-retired from CBCHS.
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Meanwhile, John May has rashly taken a seat next to the Men in Black.
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Jim is joined by Rich Muth and Dick Doyle.
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Pete takes his seat next to Deacon Tim, who is about to make an announcement.
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Deacon Tim reminds the Krew of the Challenge by Perry and Otten to bring the Class Scholarship Funds up to full activity.
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And then Tim announces the two big surprises: a Cake brought by Jim Vogelsang to celebrate his and the other April Birthdays, and. . .
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A beautiful Easter Card created by Jim Mittino for the attendees.
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Charlie shows Art his pristine copy of The Guidon which he will lend to CBCHS for scanning to replace the CBCHS Archives' missing copy.
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Charlie points out to Muth some golden memories, which brings a smile to Rich.
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John, Jim and Kevin Quinlan (Joe Gunn's successor) pose together. Mittino looks a little glum, like a man who has just been informed that he will be stuck with the bill.
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Meanwhile, May asks Doyle whether he thinks the Class would mind if he "borrowed" the Class License Plate to try on his 'Vette.
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Layton attempts to hit Otto up for a small loan to cover the tip, while Doyle looks askance.
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Jim tries to explain to Art why John cannot "borrow" the Class Plate for his car, while May looks distraught.
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A compromise is reached. John and Jim V. suggest that May could drive his Corvette around the block with the plate propped up on the dashboard, and still keep his own, legal plates on the car. May is elated at this.
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Carried away, John decides to pre-empt Terry to celebrate with Val.
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Deacon Tim and the always-elegant Tony Tumminello look on with amazement at this breach of routine.
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Jim remarks to Joe Gunn that you can never know what will happen at these gatherings!
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And at long last, Terry reclaims his traditional place for the end-of-Lunch photo op with Val.
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Group photo: (Tony and Denny had to leave a little early) Front Row, L-R: Muth, Etzel, Doyle, Mittino, Quinlan.
Back Row, L-R: Terry O'Brien, Monfort, Dolan, Zimmerman, Vogelsang, May, Repovich, Wiener and Gunn.
May, 2022
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Mittino, Dolan and Smythe: part of the Planning Team that met at Dick's home.
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Since Terry took the previous picture, and was also on the Planning Team, here he is to give him due credit!
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After food orders were taken, and a welcome by Class President Mittino, Deacon Tim Dolan led the Class in the Grace before Meals.
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Michael Jordan, CBCHS President, addresses our Class.
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Michael explained exactly how the Scholarship Funds work, and how can make them fully active. (Click here to read a summary of Michael Jordan's talk.)To the left is Dick Doyle, with Jim Mittino on the right.
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Dinner ensues. Jim warns Michael Jordan that during this phase of the gathering anything could and, indeed, probably will, happen.
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This is borne out by Jim Vogelsang, whose memories of other Lunch Bunches lend him an air of foreboding to the festivities.
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On the other hand, Bob Hahn and Charlie Monfort seem to be looking forward to the festivities.
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Jim and Art Repovich are in fine form.
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Dick Smythe is looking great— so good to have him back among us!
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Deacon Tim and John May radiate good cheer!
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Pete Zimmerman, restored to our midst!
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Denny Reinhart with his trusty Shillelagh
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Denny is joined by Tony Tumminello; these two are ready for anything!
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Joe Galkowski and John Layton, enjoying a quiet chat in the corner
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Jim heartily welcomes Otto Etzel. Otto has conspired with Terry O'Brien to present the Class with a special, 64th Anniversary gift.
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Otto and Rich Muth At our 60th Anniversary celebration, Otto generously shared with the Class special CBC 1958 ceramic badges, which are a hand-made tradition in his family to commemorate important events.
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In Terry's family, there is a dinner bell handed down from his grandmother. Otto added the ceramic badge, and Terry presented this special bell to be used at our Gatherings and Lunches to call them to order, and afford classmates an opportunity to be heard.
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Dick Smythe admires the Bell.
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John Layton observes that the Bell would have come in handy on a number of occasions that he can recall!
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And Dessert appears to be from the legendary Federhoff Bakery in Affton courtesy of Jim Vogelsang—is this one of their fabled Cognac-flavored Chocolate Cakes?!
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The festivities are in high gear; not sure if this is a blurry shot of Jeff Wiener with John May, or did Terry get into the champagne at this point, or perhaps it was the fortified Cake?
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Every Class has a clown; does ours have two?
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Dick Smythe, who generously provided the wine, raises his glass to make a Toast to our Class.
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This toast was a heartfelt and deeply moving tribute to our Class by Dick
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John Layton then led the Class—and ex-pats from around the country in spirit—in the Class Prayer of Thanksgiving. Click on this picture for a copy of the Prayer.
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Group I: Front row, L-R: Etzel, Muth, Reinhart, Tumminello, Layton and Galkowski.
Back Row: L-r: Repovich, Doyle, Terry O'Brien, Michael Jordan and Jim Vogelsang. - IMG_9577.jpeg
Group II: Front Row L-R: Smythe, Hahn, Monfort, Wiener, May and Dolan.
Back Row L-R: Michael Jordan, Terry O'Brien, Vogelsang, Mittino and Zimmereman. - IMG_9550.jpeg
And,of course, Val & Terry!
June, 2022
We gathered at Duffy's Tuesday, June 14, 2022 for Lunch. Present and accounted for were: Deacon Tim Dolan, Dick Doyle, Otto Etzel, John Layton, Jim Mittino, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Kevin Quinlan, Art Repovich, Tony Tumminello, Jim Vogelsang, and Jeff Wiener.
Unable to attend, but nonetheless present in Spirit and Prayer, were: Bill Bertke, Mike Brown, Hank Deeken, Geri Furi, Vic Graffigna, John Moore, Tim O'Brien, Ken Perry, Ray Phelps, John Rabbitt, Rich Schwan, Bob Steiert, Jim Strange, Jim Tenge, Jim Tonella and Frank Windler.
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June 14 was our Hawaiian Shirt Lunch Day. Thankfully this year everyone wore more discreet patterns, resulting in no episodes of bleeding eyeballs.
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It was also Flag Day. Jim Mittino brought small flags for everyone, and hung a large flag on the wall at Duffy's
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Deacon Tim created his shirt by recycling a Palm Sunday vestment.
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Otto looks very pleased: Jim has entrusted him with the office of Class Carilloneur, to ring the bell in recognition of a would-be speaker.
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Many who could not attend asked that their names be added to the "In Spirit and Prayer" List.
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Jim Strange, recuperating from a recent heart procedure, is among those on the List.
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Dick Doyle arrives in a very cool set of blues.
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Taking a seat next to Deacon Tim, Dick brings a soothing visual counterpoint to the scene.
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Jim's decorations are spot-on.
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Jeff Wiener arrives; his attire is elegantly understated.
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And again, just like Dick Doyle, Jeff's quiet elegance nicely balances Art's exuberant, sunny hues.
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Big Tony arrives, with a "Pasta Fagiole!" assessment (worth of Dean Martin)of the gathering.
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Dick is bedazzled by Terry's outfit.
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Frank has always been a rugged individualist, unafraid to stand apart from the herd. He and John Layton are of similar minds—hence no Hawaiian shirts for these two!.
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And indeed Frank bring a calming ambience next to Jim Vogelsang's splendor.
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Jim Vogelsang is unabashed, and indeed proudly pats the new sign (see next picture).
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And here, in all its glory is the sign:
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Charlie Monfort watches with admiration how Mittino instructs Otto to give the bell two shakes to recognize a speaker.
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Jim Vogelsang is consoled by John Layton, who, like Frank had the audacity not to wear a Hawaiian shirt to the Lunch.
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Kevin Quinlan, CBCHS Alumni Rep, can barely contain his excitement at what he has brought to the gathering
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A copy of the latest edition of the CBCHS Alumni News!
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Jim Mittino took this shot of the right side of the table.
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Front Row, L-R: Etzel, Mittino, Monfort, Layton and Wiener.
Back Row, L-R: Doyle, Tuminello, Dolan, Repovich, Pellegrini, Vogelsang and Terry O'Brien - Terry_Val.jpeg
And the Lunch closes with the obligatory shot of Terry and Val.
July, 2022
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Denny Reinhart is among the first to arrive
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The Three "Cane Twirler Guys"—Mittino, Reinhart and Etzel
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Denny, Otto and Rich Muth
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Another take!
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Jim welcomes Dick Doyle to the gathering.
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Dick doesn't appear to be buying whatever Mittino is selling at this point!
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Charlie Monfort and John May.
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John Layton appears to be in fine form.
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He even welcomes Vogelsang, whose sartorial choice would blind anyone else.
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Frank and Charlie are glad to see Rich Schwan, who drove all the way up from the depths of Tennessee!
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Frank displays a 1957 Guidon with a silhouette of Art playing the trumpet.
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Here is the same picture in close-up.
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And here is Art, in a "then-and-now" pose.
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John May joins the group. They appear to be discussing the bill.
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Jims consoles John, who was under the impression that Santa Claus would put in an appearance.
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No Santa, but Jim Vogelsang is the next best thing: he's prepared a "Royal Flush" for each attendee.
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Next, Rich Muth raises his glass to propose a toast honoring the late Ada Perry on her 80th Birthday.
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Everyone raises a glass to toast Ada!
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After the Toast, everybody gets into position for the Group picture:
Front row: Etzel, Muth, Doyle and Mittino
Back row: Terry O'Brien, Monfort, May, Layton, Vogelsang, Repovich, Schwan and Pellegrini. (Denny Reinhart had to leave before this picture was taken). - Schwan_Monfort_AVF.jpeg
Rich, Art, Charlie, Frank and Val pose together.
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Art and Frank attempt to pre-empt Terry in a final pose with Val for her birthday.
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But Terry has the last word!
August, 2022
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Art, Jim Mittino and Otto welcome everyone to the Lunch—and Art has a surprise that does not involve Velveeta!
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Mittino is attempting to look innocent, but Otto knows what's coming.
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And here is Frank Windler, our very own "Georgia Peach", coming all the way from Rome (GA)
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Two stalwart brothers—Denny and Frank
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John May, looking much better, with Deacon Tim
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Frank congratulates John on his good taste in shirts
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Jim urges Charlie to join Frank Windler, Art and Jim Vogelsang to create a portrait of smiling brothers.
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What a great group of happy Cadets!
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Not to be outdone, Frank W, and Jim Vogelsang turn on the wattage of beaming smiles.
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Art has brought a cake to celebrate the August Birthday Boys!
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And 13 is no longer an unlucky number! Front row, L-r:
Etzel, Muth, Mittino and Rinehart.
Back row: Monfort, Repovich, Tuminello, Vogelsang, Pellegrini, Windler, May and Terry O'Brien - Muth_Denny.jpeg
Not tot be outdone, Rich Muth and Denny attempt to steal a march on Terry, posing with Val.
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But nothing can take the place of the traditional closing shot for another wonderful Lunch Bunch!
A great Lunch was held at Duffy's Sept. 13, 2022! Present and accounted for were: Jim Vogelsang, Dick Doyle, Rich Muth, Otto Etzel, Tony Tumminello, Denny Reinhart, John May, Jeff Weiner, and Jim Mittino.
September, 2022
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Is this Duffy's new bouncer? No, our beloved Denny welcomes everyone!
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Denny wonders why his Long Island Iced Tea appears so weak, while Otto is appreciative of Val's serving skills.
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Denny appears to question the provenance of his meal, while Tony amiably chats with Otto on his right.
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Tony explains to Otto the healthy benefits of his salad, while Otto courageously sticks to a liquid diet.
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Otto is casting an envious glance at Tony's repast, perhaps regretting his decision not to order a full meal.
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Meanwhile, John May and Jeff Wiener engage in a congenial colloquy.
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On the other side, Muth, Doyle and Vogelsang are digging in with no regrets (although Rich and Dick are studiously avoiding looking at Jim's shirt, which is loud enough to unsettle even the most placid tummy).
- Group.jpgFront row, L to right: Reinhart, Tumminello, Etzel, May and Wiener;
Back row: Mittino, Doyle, Vogelsang and Muth. - Jim_Val2.jpgJim V. breaks it gently to Val: "Terry is on a River Cruise in Paris, so I'll just have to do in his place".
- Jim_Val.jpgEat your heart out, O'Brien!
October, 2022
Our October Lunch was a very sad and sober gathering. Everyone was still reeling from the news that our beloved Class President, Jim Mittino, had passed away October 2.
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A Chair was set for our departed friend and Brother, Jim Mittino.
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Gone from our midst, but always present in our hearts—Jim.
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Art, John Layton and Frank
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Dick Doyle with Jim Vogelsang
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Charlie Monfort, Jeff Wiener, Otto etzel, Frank Pellegrini and Art Repovich.
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Frank Pellegrini, John May, and Charlie Monfort.
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Half of Art Reopvich, Jim Vogelsang, Frank Pellegrini and Otto Etzel.
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A somber Jim Vogelsang
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John Layton and Art Repovich
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Tony Tumminello
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John appears to be wielding a life-size Denny muppet
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Charlie Monfort, Bob Steier, John May and Jeff Wiener
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Otto with Frank
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John and Jeff, in a brighter mood.
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Front Row, L-R: Reinhart, Etzel, Steiert, Monfort and Wiener.
Back Row: Tumminello, Doyle, Vogelsang, Repovich, Layton, Pellegrini, May and Terry O'Brien. - Terry_Val.jpeg
Terry and Val.
November, 2022
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Our new Class License Plate (the lower one) from Jim Mittino's car. Above it is the mockup of Tom Maher's plate Jim made after it had been stolen from his gym bag.
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Bill Bertke (R) came all the way from Amelia Island, FL, (1,000 miles), while Ray Phelps (L) came the farthest, from Lake Oswego, OR (2,000 miles)!
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While Frank welcomes Bill
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Rich Muth and Otto welcome Ray to the Lunch
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Deacon Tim welcomes Bill to the Lunch
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A great pciture of Frank and Otto
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And here comes Jeff Wiener.
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Otto and Art appear suspiciously jolly—did they stick Vogelsang with the bill again?
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The Big Five!
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Jeff and Charlie
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Jeff, John and Charlie—appear to be a bit mischievous!
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Tim, Charlie and Art
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Tony and Tim
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Deacon Tim breaks the news to Jim that he has (again!) been stuck with the tab.
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It appears Vogelsang managed to get Valerie to present the e bill on to John Layton for payment!
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Frank signals that it has indeed been an excellent gathering of the Lunch Bunch!
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Front row, L-R: Muth, Phelps, Etzel, Repovich, Pellegrini and Reinhart (who escaped being in any other pic!)
Back row, l-r: terry o'brien, Layton, Vogelsang, Dolan, Tumminello, Monfort, May (also in no other pic!), Wiener and Bertke> - Terry_Val2.jpeg
And, last but not least, Val and Terry in the traditional closer picture!
December, 2022
Our Christmas, 2022 Lunch had a small but wonderful group of Brothers in attendance: Tim Dolan, Dick Doyle, Otto Etzel, John Layton, John May, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich and Jeff Wiener.
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Deacon Tim opens the Lunch with a prayer, remembering all our Brothers who entered into their eternal rewward this past year.
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Art and Frank welcome the Brothers as they arrive.
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Art, John Layton and Jeff Wiener—note Jeff's snazzy custom Christmas jacket!
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Charlie and John share a quiet moment in the corner.
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Dick Doyle and Frank pose with the Christmas tree..
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Frank stares enviously at Jeff''s jacket.
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The Big 5—Charlie Monfort, Dick Doyle, Art Repovich, Frank Pellegrini and John May.
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Val has baked a tray of Christmas Cookies for the Class to sweeten the repast!
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Jeff shows the backside of his jacket; we are unsure of the meaning of the legend.
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Jeff and John win the sartorial excellene awards, hands-down, for this Lunch!
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Otto and Dick deep in conversation.
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John May joins them.
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Next, Art drops vt as well.
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Frank and John May.
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The Group (minus John Layton, who had to leave early). Front Row: Otto, dick and Terry O'Brien.
Back Row: Tim Dolan, John May, Charlie Montfor, art, Jeff and Frank. - Val_Terry.jpeg
Terry poses for the obligatory final shot with Val, who is holding her Christmas gift from the Class..