The God who called us into being sustains us with immeasurable love. The pattern of our lives is set according to that of Jesus, Who we pray lives in our hearts, forever, and that pattern is a daily dying and rising with him. As we age together, we suffer loss and loneliness with and in Him, but we can live in the surety of God's ever-present love.
This page lists special intentions for our brothers, their loved ones and friends, who are still on the Journey with us.
Bob and Joanne Hahn
Bob Hahn has moved into a nursing facility with his wife, Joanne, who is suffering from dementia—Nazareth Living Center in Mehlville. Bob is still recovering from a torn aorta as well.. Please remember them in your prayers.
Frank and Julie Windler
We pray for our brother Frank and Julie, his wife, that they may continue to face the vicissitudes of aging and the challenges that brings. May they be filled with healing, sustaining love and the strength to continue their journey together with undiinished hope and ever-deepening love.
John and Mary Rabbitt
John Rabbitt has been moved into a Memory Care facility, and his wife, Mary, has taken up residence in an apartment nearby. We pray for the two of them as they continue their journey of love together, that God will strengthen them and sustain them in hope and the comfort of the living Spirit.
Prayer for the Sick
by Deacon Tim Dolan
Lord Jesus,
we ask your blessing on our Brother,
Let him find in each day
renewed strength
and a deeper faith and trust in you
and recognize your presence
in his illness and suffering.
We ask you to restore health to him
that he might continue to serve you
as a witness to your love and healing power.
A Prayer in Illness
by Jaroslav Vajda (1919–2008
Creator, Keeper, Caring Lord
of all You deign to make.
Direct us toward Your goal for us
with ev'ry breath we take.
In You we live, in You we move
the ones You chose to love.
To faith and hope and love, dear God,
add one more gift of grace:
sound health of body, soul and mind:
Your Spirit's dwelling-place.
And should You let the body fail,
keep mind and spirit well.
In wisdom let us guard the gift
of wholeness You supply.
In mercy turn our ears and hands,
like You, toward all who cry.
We know Who heals our hurts and ills;
we know Your gracious Will.
Though far from perfect,
we revere Your earthly masterpiece:
the body Jesus shared and gave
to banish all disease,
that all who rise with Him from death
will know the bliss of health.