2025 Lunches

The CBC Class of 1958 has maintained a tradition of meeting for a monthly lunch at 11:30 am on the second Tuesday of each month. Our current venue is Mike Duffy's Pub & Grill, 124 W. Jefferson Ave #104, Kirkwood.

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch Jan. 14, 2025

Despite wicked winter weather, we managed to host 10 Cadets—made possible by an ever-so-brief appearance of Dr. Dick Doyle. In addition, our Lunch was graced by John Layton, Dr. Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich, Tony Tuminello, Jim Vogelsang, Jeff Wiener and Pete Zimmerman.

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    The Big Three take their seat (Art, Jeff and Frank)!
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    And in this corner, genial Jim V.
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    Jeff threatens Jim and Charlie with a clonk if they don't straighten up and fly right.
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    In the opposite corner John Layton and Pete Z. are getting ready to order.
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    Arriving with a flourish(although he stopped by only briefly to say hello) was Dr. Dick Doyle.
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    Dick proceeds to demonstrate his first encounter with Brother Peter: Bada-Boom! And then quickly turns to leave for another appointment.
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    Frank sums it up with a favorite saying of Dean Martin: "Pasta Fagiole!"
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    Could it be? The Fonz appearing at our Lunch? Jim seems to think so, and requests an autograph, much to Charlie's amusement.'.
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    Mistaken ID—it;s our own, ever-elegant Tony T.!
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    Pete, Jeff and Tony swivel to watch what mischief John Layton is up to now!
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    Layton appears to be trying to see whether Charlie. is ticklish.
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    Front, L-R: Pete Zimmerman, Jeff Wiener, John Layton, and Tony Tuminello
    Back: Frank Pellegrini, Art Repovich, Jim Vogelsang, Charlie Monfort, and Terry O'Brien (Dick Doyle left early).
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    Tegrry O'Brien and Val our Server

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
Feb. 11, 2025

A cold and snow-plagued day, combined with rampant sniffles and sunffles typical of the season, militated against a large group attendance, but our Lunch turned out to be a spectacular and satisfying gathering nonetheless! Present and accounted for were: Dr. Dick Doyle, John May, Charlie Monfort, Terry O'Brien, Frank Pellegrini, Tony Tuminello and Jeff Wiener.

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    Charlie and Frank discuss the miserable weather, reminscing about how much harder they had it back in the day when everybody had to hike or take a bus to CBCHS.
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    John May with Dick Doyle, who is in an uncharacteristically reflective mood.
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    Tony asks Charlie and Frank, "So you're going ahead with it?"—reminiscent of Gandalf asking Bilbo just before the latter's 111th Birthday party.
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    Charlie is ordering, and Frank looks sly, becausse he known what is coming next.
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    Frank rises, and shows the guys Mittino's actual car plate, which has found a new home with our Lunches, but alas, the stand holding it has broken.
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    Tom Maher's old cardboard fake license plate lays forlornly on the table. But Frank has hand-crafted a new stand to replace the damaged one!
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    The Class are amazed!
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    Front row, L-R: Doyle, Monfort, Pellegrini
    Back Row: Terry O'Brien, Tuminello, May and Wiener
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    And, lastly, the de rigeur Terry with Val shot brings a great Lunch to a close.

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
March, 2025

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
April, 2025

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
May, 2025

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
June, 2025

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch:
July, 202

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch:
August, 2025s

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
September, 2025

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
October, 2025

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch:
November, 2025

CBC Class of 1958 Lunch
December, 2025